Sunday, April 09, 2017

2nd Week of April

Full name: AJALA Dorcas Abimbola
Nickname: Miss Bimbolaj
D.O.B: 15th July
Department: Religions
Level: 400
Post Held: Faculty Clerk
Mobile No: 07035048658
BBM Pin: Nil
Twitter handle: @dordana785
Instagram handle: @bimbola_aj
Relationship status: Single
Hobbies: Listening to music, reading and adventure
Addiction(s): Taking tea/coffee everyday
Most embarrassing experience: When some girls thought I don't understand Yoruba and started gossiping about me.
Views on religion: Irrespective of our different religions, we should aim to serve the Supreme Being and use it for the good of humanity
Favourite artist: Asa
Your song of the moment: "One Call Away" by Charlie Putt
What song do you sing in the bathroom: "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars
Sports: Volleyball and Basketball
Favorite food: Chips and Tea
Celebrity crush: Wole Ojo
Dream country: The Carribean
Dream Car: Mercedes G-wagon
What’s that one thing you want so bad right now: Go on vacation
Instagram or twitter?(And why): Instagram
Craziest online experience: Putting up a picture with a caption on a pre-wedding shoot, started getting comments, calls and messages from all my long time lost friends, family and cousins. Trust me, the questions were crazy
Where do you see yourself in 7 years: I see myself married, a successful career woman and as well running my own NGO